Tagged: custom module

Add module in artical in joomla 0

Add module in artical in joomla

Add module in artical in joomla To insert a module inside an article, use the {loadposition xx} command, as follows: Create a module and set its position to any value that doesn’t conflict with...

wysiwyg editor Magento Custom Module 5

wysiwyg editor Magento Custom Module

wysiwyg editor Magento Custom Module Step 1 – Go to app/code/local/Webkul/Faq/Block here webkul is namespace and faq is module name , under your _prepareLayout() function add this code public function _prepareLayout() { if (Mage::getSingleton(‘cms/wysiwyg_config’)->isEnabled()...

joomla add script and css in module 0

joomla add script and css in module

Joomla add script and css in module: Joomla is a popular content management system used by many website developers for its flexibility and ease of use. One of the key features of Joomla is...

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