Category: Jquery

Javascript and jquery

Javascript is scripting language while jquery is a JavaScript Library.

Simple Responsive Slider using jquery 0

Simple Responsive Slider using jquery

Simple Responsive Slider using jquery Here is a Simple Responsive Slider using jquery which works on every breakpoints. A very simple js/jquery which helps you to modify it according to your requirements. Download infinite_Image_Carousel-master

Custom linkedin button for share and auth 1

Custom linkedin button for share and auth

Custom linkedin button for share and auth <script src=””> api_key: //onLoad: onLinkedInLoad scope: r_basicprofile r_emailaddress r_fullprofile authorize:true </script> <script> function onLinkedInAuth() { IN.API.Profile(“me”) .fields(“firstName”, “lastName”, “industry”, “location:(name)”, “picture-url”, “headline”, “summary”, “num-connections”, “public-profile-url”, “distance”, “positions”,...

countdown timer in php 20

countdown timer in php

countdown timer in php $dateFormat = “d F Y — g:i a”; $targetDate = $futureDate;//Change the 25 to however many minutes you want to countdown change date in strtotime $actualDate = $date1; $secondsDiff =...

check canvas empty or not 2

check canvas empty or not

check canvas empty or not <“canvas11″ height=”200px” width=”200px”> <asp:Button runat=”server” ID=”btn1″ Text=”Save” OnClientClick=”checkcanvas();” /> <script type=”text/javascript”> function checkcanvas() { var i = isCanvasTransparent(); //i =true if canvas empty //i =false if canvas has image...

google translate selected language 0

google translate selected language

google translate selected language   A very common problem is to add google translator with already selected language which can be fix by the following code. function googleTranslateElementInit() { new google.translate.TranslateElement({ pageLanguage: ‘en’, includedLanguages:...

call a function after a particular time period, 0

call a function after a particular time period,

call a function regularly call a function after a particular time period function getdata(){ var langu = jQuery(“.goog-te-combo”).html(‘<option value=””>Select Lanugage</option><option value=”en”>English</option><option value=”ja”>Japanese</option>’); jQuery(“.goog-te-gadget”).css({“margin-top”:”0px”}); intervaltime(); } </script> <script> function intervaltime(){ window.setInterval(function(){ getdata(); }, 5000); }...

validation of number in javascript 0

validation of number in javascript

validation of number in javascript function check_number() { var number=document.getElementById(“mobileno”).value; if(isNaN(number)) { alert(“number only”); return false; } else { return true; } }

Creating a Shopify App using Laravel How to Create Custom WordPress Plugin? How to Build a Telegram Bot using PHP How to Convert Magento 2 into PWA?