How to Convert Magento 2 into PWA

Step 1:  Install the PWA Studio

– Open the terminal and navigate to your Magento 2 root directory – Run the following command to install the PWA Studio: composer create-project --repository= magento/project-pwa-studio <your-project-name>

Step 2:  Create a New PWA Project

– Open the terminal and navigate to the PWA Studio directory: cd ./vendor/magento/pwa-studio – Run the following command to create a new project: yarn create @magento/pwa

Step 3:  Configure Your PWA

– Open the terminal and navigate to your PWA project directory: cd <your-project-name> – Run the following command to configure your project: yarn run setup:venia – Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your project.

Step 4:  Build and Deploy Your PWA

– Open the terminal and navigate to your PWA project directory: cd <your-project-name> – Run the following command to build your PWA: yarn run build – Once the build is complete, run the following command to deploy your PWA: yarn run stage:venia

Congratulations!  You have successfully converted your Magento 2 store into a PWA

Converting Magento 2 into a PWA is a simple and effective way to enhance your online store’s user experience and performance. With the help of the PWA Studio tools provided by Magento, you can create a PWA project in just a few simple steps.

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